Feb 25, 2013


An aurocard issued from Mitra guest house

Auroville, in my understandings, is supposed to be a city where money does not dominate life. Reducing  monetary exchange within the community is seen as a steps towards this. A scheme similar to using debit cards is implemented in support. This card is called Aurocard.

The Aurocard is connected to one's Auroville account. This account can be opened at the town hall. Every aurovillian has one, guests staying in Auroville can also have one. Money can be deposited in this account and spent later at various restaurants and other commercial units of Auroville.

I am not sure how this debit card like scheme facilitates the realization of money-less society. Being able to use an aurocard in Auroville persists a practice which most of today's materialistic world is familiar with already.

Feb 24, 2013

Living Quarters in Sadhana Forest

Dorm for Sadhana Forest volunteers
Indigenous Tamil style huts are the ubiquitous accommodations of Sadhana Forest. Some huts have second floor or small attics too. Most volunteers in Sadhana Forest gets to sleep in dormitories. The dorms are basically large huts. There are three dorms at the time of writing this, two of them are two stories. Long term volunteers get special treatment, they live in their own huts.

The sturdy huts made of hardwood, and coconut leaves and ropes are quite impressive. A big opening in the front serves as door. Usually the huts come with multiple opening on the side, all triangular, serving as windows. This allows plenty of wind to pass through in all directions.